Wednesday 26 October 2016

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi | Go Cosmetic Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi
Tummy Tuck Surgery in Delhi

Tummy tuck surgery, called abdominoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure that flattens the abdominal area by getting rid of excess skin and fat. Tummy tuck surgery is usually recommended for people who cannot, through diet or exercise, reduce the look of their abdominal area. Many factors can affect the results of the tummy tuck surgery.

There are two types of tummy tuck surgery: mini and full. A mini tummy tuck is when only the lower abdominal area is reduced. A full tummy tuck is when the whole abdominal area is done. A tummy tuck surgery is a major surgical procedure done under general anesthesia. Patients should be aware of the risks involved, including blood loss, infection and reaction to the anesthesia.
 A tummy tuck is going to pull and adjust the abdominal skin, which may make the creation of a new belly button necessary. In many cases, skin is removed to help reduce or eliminate stretch marks. The surgeon will cut into the abdomen near the pelvic bone. This is the major incision of the surgery. In a full tuck another incision will be made near the belly button, as well. The surgeon will them remove fat and skin as needed to flatten he tummy.

The total time of the surgery ranges from one to five hours and depends upon the complexity of the surgery. Recovery can involve a hospital stay or the patient can be released shortly after they come out of surgery. Once at home it is the patients responsibility to ensure they follow all care instructions given to them by their surgeons so they minimize risk of infection or complications and promote healing.
The complete time to recover from a tummy tuck surgery can range from two to four weeks. The recovery is dependent upon the extent of the surgery, the patients overall health and physical state before surgery and the patients natural healing process.

For most patients, the results of their tummy tuck surgery are going to be long lasting. However, any weight gain can affect the results. It is important for patients to understand that losing or gaining weight is going to adversely affect the results of their tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery is something that can help a person corrects their body when all other efforts have failed. It is not the best solution for everyone, though. People who may lose weight or become pregnant in the future are often advised to wait on their tummy tuck surgery. For most patients, though, a tummy tuck will greatly improve their appearance and help them to feel more confident.
So, Tummy tuck surgery [] is a procedure that can help reduce the size and improve the look of the abdominal area. The results of a tummy tuck surgery vary from patient to patient, but overall most patients are pleased with the outcome of a flatter, smoother stomach.

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Tuesday 25 October 2016

Body Lift Surgery Cost in Delhi | Go Cosmetic Surgery

Body Lift Surgery Cost in Delhi
Body Lift Surgery Cost in Delhi

Body lift surgery helps you to regain your body contour by removing the excess sagging skin and tightening the body tissues.
Preserve Your Body Contour through a Safe Procedure
Flabby skin is caused by weight loss, multiple pregnancies and aging factors. The sagginess of the skin gives you an awkward appearance. Through body lift surgery you can get rid of saggy skin permanently. This body contouring surgical procedure is safe and suitable for shaping almost all the body areas including the chest, thighs, arms, hips, waist, tummy, and knees. The right candidates for this surgery are those individuals enjoying good health, but having flabby skin in particular body portions.

Surgical Procedure that Offers Exceptional Results
Body lift surgery can be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as liposuction and tummy tuck for fat removal and weight reduction. These procedures will get rid of the additional skin and fat deposits at the same time and help you regain your energetic appearance.
The body lift cosmetic surgical procedure is carried out by providing general anesthesia, and the time required is about three to seven hours. For removing the extra skin, incisions are made by the surgeon in the particular body areas. The pattern and length of the incision depends on the quantity of skin to be detached and the specific body portion. With an absolute lower body lift it is possible to treat the tummy, waist, and thighs, hips and buttocks area by making use of a single procedure. Through circumferential incisions the skin can be tightened by eliminating the excess skin and fat. After removing the excess skin and fat, stitches are applied to close the incisions.
The minor side effects and discomforts of this surgical procedure include infection, pain, inflammation, blood loss, redness and formation of blood clots. The patient can return to daily activities in around four to six weeks. The scar marks will fade out within six to twelve months. Apart from minor discomforts, body lift surgery offers outstanding body contouring results.
Choose an Experienced Plastic Surgeon
When you plan to undertake body lift surgery, always avail of the services of an experienced plastic surgeon in order to achieve maximum positive results. It is also essential to talk to the surgeon about your requirements and the results you expect from the surgery so as to benefit from the right treatment procedure.
Body lift surgery helps regain lost body contour.
Go Cosmetic Surgery is one of the top Specialist Clinic for Body Lift Surgery in Delhi, India with 100% Satisfaction Service.
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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi |Go Cosmetic Surgery

Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi
Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that promises to remove unwanted fat in those stubborn areas that it accumulates in. If you are considering having Liposuction done, you likely have a lot of questions about the procedure. While this by no means replaces advice given to you by your doctor, these questions do cover the most commonly asked questions regarding Liposuction.
What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess fat deposits that accumulate between the skin and muscle tissues. Using a hollow needle known as a cannula, those excess deposits are suctioned out from between the tissues, reshaping and resculpting the body. It can be performed under general anesthesia, although there has been a recent move towards using local anesthesia due to risks associated with the heavier sedation.
Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi
Before & After

How much does it cost?
The cost of Liposuction depends on how many areas of the body you are having treated. For example, just having liposuction performed on your abdomen will result in a lower fee than having Liposuction performed on your abdomen, hips, and thighs.
Liposuction Surgeon in Delhi
Before & After

Am I a good candidate for Liposuction?
If you are in good health and have realistic expectations of your results, then you will be a good candidate for Liposuction.

Which body parts can be treated with Liposuction?
For women, Liposuction can be used on the breasts, buttocks, hips, abdomen, thighs, neck, and cheeks. Men typically have Liposuction performed on their abdomen, chin, flanks, and chest.

What are Elastic Compression Garments?
Compression garments are specially designed girdles that must be worn after having Liposuction. They work to reduce both bleeding and swelling post-procedure.

Are there any risks associated with Liposuction?
There are risks associated with any medical procedure. Some side effects include infections, bleeding, skin ulcerations, and nerve injuries. Patients must also think smart about their cosmetic surgery, and not schedule Liposuction on the same day as multiple other procedures, or even have too much Liposuction performed.

How long will I take to recover after the procedure?
Generally, you may return to an office-type job within 2 days of having Liposuction done. As long as your doctor’s orders are followed and you wear the compression garments as needed, you should be back to normal within a few weeks. 

If you are considering getting liposuction and need to contact a certified surgeon, call us to schedule a consultation today!

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