Friday, 23 September 2016

Body Lift Surgery in Delhi

Body Lift Surgery in Delhi
Body Lift Surgery in Delhi

Body Lift or Total Body Lift is a Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery procedure performed to reshape your body to its natural curves and contours. Body Lift is a surgical procedure where the loose and hanging skin of the entire body is tightened and implants are inserted, all in one procedure. Body Lift basically reshapes the breasts, chest, arms, thighs, hips, back, waist, abdomen & knees after losing weight (for example those people who lose lot of weight after undergoing weight loss surgeries like Gastric Bypass, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Gastric Banding), aging and multiple pregnancies.
f you have lost large amounts of weight (50 - 300 lbs.) and have loose, hanging skin on your face, breasts, back, belly and thighs, or if you want to lose weight (especially if you suffer from central obesity) that is resistant to diet and exercise, if you have folds of loose, hanging skin due to aging or multiple pregnancies that might pose a danger of cellulitis or abscess, then you are an ideal candidate for Body Lift. This procedure can either be performed in isolation or in combination with other body contouring and weight loss procedures like Liposuction, Tummy Tuck etc.

What are the procedures for body lift surgery?
Body Lift is performed in a hospital setting under general anesthesia and can take about 5 - 7 or may be 10 hours depending on what other cosmetic surgery procedures are performed along with it. The Body Lift surgery is usually performed to remove excess skin from the belly first i.e. from the area between the belly button and pubic hair and tightening of abdominal muscles is also performed. Excessive skin is removed, belly button is repositioned, remainder of the skin is approximated and the incision is sutured. The surgeon will then turn you on your side, make incisions in your buttock and back area, remove fat and excess skin to try and normalize the curves and contours of your sides and back. Body Lift also involves Liposuction of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen areas. Lastly your surgeon will work on the flabby arms (commonly called bat wings) and make them shapely. As mentioned above, Liposuction, Power Assisted Liposculpture (PAL), Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift and Skin Grafting can all be performed at the same time, whatever your need may be.

What is the recovery period like following Body Lift?
You will spend the initial few hours after Body Lift in the recovery room under observation for immediate post-operative complications and to monitor your heart and lung functions. You will probably spend the next 3 - 5 days in the hospital. Immediately after the Body Lift surgery, you will be given a compression bandage (compression garment) to wear over areas where surgery was performed to reduce swelling and bleeding. The first couple of days after Body Lift can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Drains and tubes will be placed under your skin for 1 - 2 weeks to drain fluid, blood and fat. Despite the pain and discomfort, you should try and walk the very first evening after Body Lift surgery and your nurse will encourage you to increase your activity gradually but progressively. You will be able to resume your daily activities in about 4 - 5 weeks.

Why choose Body Lift surgery in India?
Medical tourism is behind the growth of Body lift surgery in India. This is where residents of one country seek to reduce the costs of their medical treatment at home, by finding cheaper alternative treatments abroad and they are looking at countries like India. India combines world-class healthcare with prices costing a fraction of those in the US or Europe. India is now the leading country promoting medical tourism in the world and growth in the industry is currently running in excess of 30% per annum. The awareness level of foreigners is very high with respect to various body lift procedures. India offers comparable service standards and pricing advantage." Americans are the biggest clients, followed by tourists from Eastern Europe, Far-East and even Japan. In fact, in the United States, body lift surgery is a luxury many middle-class Americans can't afford. India has a talent pool of qualified cosmetic surgeons, a lot of whom have been trained in the US and UK, in specialized areas of body lifts surgery. With the recent development of the healthcare infrastructure in India, the best of facilities and equipment are also available with these surgeons. This coupled with the extremely low cost of the surgeries makes India the ideal destination for your body lift surgery needs. Body lift surgeries in India are done in complete privacy.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi | gocosmeticsurgery

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi

Thousands of people around the world undergo cosmetic surgery in the form of liposuction every year. Whether it is to remove sagging skin from their stomach or remove a double chin, these types of procedures often change people's lives, giving them more confidence and enabling them to feel better about themselves. While liposuction can be a fairly simple procedure in some cases, it is still a surgery that carries risks, costs and serious considerations. This article will give those potentially interested in liposuction some valuable insight.

 What is liposuction?
The surgical procedure involves a trained plastic surgeon using a medical tool called a canula to break up fat deposits in certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen or buttocks. It is then sucked out with a suction device called an aspirator. This is done just underneath the skin and sometimes deeper. A surgeon will not only suck fat out but sculpt and massage the areas where fat has been removed to produce a symmetrical and smooth finished product.

The liposuction procedure
Patients who are about to undergo liposuction surgery are placed under a general anesthetic just as they would be for a more in depth surgical procedure. However local anesthetic has recently become more popular with the introduction of laser liposuction or Smart Lipo as it is less traumatic to the body and less painful. Laser liposuction involves the use of a laser attached to the canula and is ideal for treating localized fat deposits and skin laxity on various areas of the body. The laser breaks down the fat so it can be absorbed by the body naturally or it can also be removed with the use of an aspirator.

Once the patient is anesthetized a surgeon will make incisions in one or more areas that are to be worked on. In most cases, this incision is very small and only slightly larger than the cannula. In UV assisted liposuction, incisions may be a bit longer. The practitioner will then insert the cannula under the skin and begin sucking fat out using the aspirator. During the procedure the surgeon will sculpt and shape fat that is to remain in the body so that the overall appearance looks natural.
Depending on how many areas the patient is having surgery performed on and what technique is used, this procedure can last for a couple of hours if Smart Lipo is used and up to 5 or 6 hours for the more conventional liposuction. Reputable doctors are usually very conservative in the amount of procedures or length of procedures that they recommend to a particular patient. For example if someone wants legs, arms, face, back and abdomen done, the doctor may split it up into two separate surgeries rather than doing it all at once.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi@gocosmeticsurgery

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi

A Rhinoplasty surgery also known as Nose reshaping or Nose Surgery in Delhi .It can change the prominence, size and/or shape of your nose and produce an aesthetically appealing nose which is in proportionate to your facial features
Rhinoplasty for nose reconstruction is the best options for those seeking low cost nose reconstructions. The availability of most experienced orthopedic surgeons and recently invented surgical techniques in India makes Indian cosmetic surgery hospitals an ideal destination for abroad patients seeking low cost risk-free rhinoplasty surgery. The cost of rhinoplasty surgery in Indian cosmetic surgery hospitals is very less as compared to that of the cost of treatment in abroad cosmetic surgery hospitals

The nose keeps growing until the age of 16, so Nose Surgery in Delhi, is usually performed after this age. A Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi is a real art and requires a high level of skill from your Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi. Even simple hump reduction or slight change the nose tip and the nostrils will significantly change not only the nose but complete mid face.
 What are the different types of corrective nose shaping plastic surgeries?
  1. Rhinoplasty – Addresses nasal bridge, nose tip and nostrils to increase or decrease the size and change the shape. It is a very common cosmetic procedure both in male and female.
  2. Septorhinoplasty –As above, includes alteration to the internal septum (cartilaginous midline structure). It is performed to help if you have breathing difficulties and deviation of nose.
  3. Rhinotip – Involve correction of nasal tip and nostril adjustment

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Delhi

During consultation our plastic surgeon at Delhi will examine and evaluate your nose and complete face. We discuss with you regarding your requirement, expectation and advise you which type of nose correction surgery you require to achieve the look you want.
 Various cosmetic imperfections which can be addressed with Rhinoplasty are:
  •  Wide/narrow nose
  • Projected or prominent nose
  • Depressed nose
  • Broad nasal tip
  • Post traumatic deviated nose
  • Crooked Nose.
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